Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stoke Compass Set to North

Holy Stoke Molerry,

Morro Bay. How I love the stoke out of you. Whether it be in a tent, passing by through a car, or staying in a nice hotel this time around. You are definitely a Cheelar in my book.

So the we stayed in the Morro Bay area, but mainly played around in Cayucos (just north and awesome as well). Surf was large and in charge, I'll tell you what. Sunsets were sweet and spectacular. Vibe was extraordinary and mellow. Shane Stoneman, super cool dude.  

Hope everyone is good!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Sweet little week. Camp and surf stoke filled with a bunch of tunnel waves and desert quails.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boar Stoke

Man, boar killin', eclipse watchin', venus movin'! Not a bad month!

Pretty stoked out wild stuff going on in the outer space zone as of late. Pretty cool to see how this whole hunting thing goes down. I am not a hunter, but what we killed are the evasive russian wild boars. Those things are not only ruining California, but countries across the world! Trust me, I don't like hunting, but these things are just terrible for the environment and the local critters in their natural surroundings. So don't feel too bad for this guy.

Anyhow, here are the details of the hunt:

Hunter: Shane Dorian
Weapon: Bow & Arrow
Kill: 265lb Black Russian Wild Boar
Location: San Julian Ranch Area
Equation: chellars + wildness x awesomeness = STOKIENESS.

Hope everyone is having a stoke way of life as of late.

Little Bonus material: I think everyone knows what a big baseball fan I am. I found this little stoke filled youtube on Goose Tatum. He is more well-known as the best Globetrotter of all time, but man watch the style he gives to the game of baseball. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Death Stoke

Hot Stoke!!!!!! Chillard pretty hard in Death Valley and the folks place in Newps. Hope everyone is having stoke fill their days Also had the chance to work on a project with the legendary Tacita Dean