Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Endurance Test

Sleepy Stoke

           This was a mish in a half. So much crazy stoke going on it almost became too much stoke. There were long days that became nights, which melded into days, and the next thing we knew it was a week that passed. Any who, enough complaining. Very fortunate to call the road my office for close to two weeks. Saw some beautiful country, met some super nice rock stars, Jake Gyllenhaal, and went to some states I probably would never have a chance to visit (Oklahoma).

It's been awhile since I last posted so I think I'm gonna throw a few more things up.....

Okay nevermind. It takes way too long to post a video, so I think I'm going the youtube route. I think i need help. I will put a link up for them sooner or later, but ease off my stoke if it does take later then sooner.

Everyone remember to have a nice day, breathe as much as possible, and blink. Funny thing I remember hearing about the breathing thing, while listening to Eckhart Tolle. Something along these lines -I'm gonna paraphrase, but still put it in quotes; "If we have to remember to take a breath we would die. We don't think about doing it because we are living in the present. Not the past, nor the future, only right now. We don't think about the now we just do." Honestly I don't think he said it anywhere close to that, but it's just nice food for thought. So, basically what I am saying is for everyone to slow down and take a look at what is right in front of you. Something I have been meaning to do lately.